All Prompts

Turn in your art for tokens!


A token, unless specifically stated otherwise, refers to a copper token!

Link your B-NOMALY art/lit here and get currency for drawing buns! Please include the art piece itself as well as all B-NOMALIES involved (the masterlist entry, if possible!)

You don't have to count your tokens yourself, Anarchisme will do it, but if you want to calculate it, here's a guide!

The Basics:

5 tokens

10 tokens


15 tokens


Color: +5 tokens
Shading: +5 tokens
Background (simple, abstract shapes, etc): +5 tokens
Background (complex, depicting a location with some form of depth to it): +10 tokens

Others' B-NOMALIES (gift art of others' B-NOMALIES, art of NPCs, etc): +10 tokens
Commissioned art and Collabs: Both artists/Both commissioner and artist get the full token payout, +10 token bonus for both artists/Commissioner and Artist!
Art trades, design trades, etc all count as commissioned art  - if it was in exchange for something and not as a gift, it counts!

Animated (simple): +5 tokens
blinking, glow effects, etc.
Animated (complex): +15 tokens
walk cycles, full body movement, talking, anything not so simple!

Chasm-Connected Canon Creature Bonus: +10 Tokens per canon creature
Canon creatures to the B-NOMALIES' universe are listed in the Chasm-Connected bestiary! This does not include B-NOMALIES for obvious reasons, or anything checked off as "Rixixi Only"!

Literature: +10 tokens for every 100 words.
I will accommodate room for error! I know different word counters can give different results - if you tell me you got 1,005 words and I only see 998, I'll take your word for it. If you tell me you got 1,005 words and I only see 920, I'll probably ask you what happened there. V:

If using a base or otherwise re-using lineart (or other parts of the art), tokens will only be awarded for what is original to the new piece!
For instance, take these two pieces - the first use of the lines and background is on the left.

WHO'S THAT BNOM by Anarchisme vs ITS THE OUBLIETTE by Anarchisme

The second image would only receive the color bonus for The OUBLIETTE - Magpie Anarchie is not significantly changed and the background was already present in the first image. (Silhouettes counting as lineart in this case)

Some Examples:

yes i'm guilty of this you should know this by Anarchisme
65 tokens

+10 Waist-up
+5 Color
+5 shading
+10 Other B-NOM
+5 Simple Background

The background counts as simple due to only having a detailed foreground aspect. If there was a wall back there it could count as complex.

do you remember why we started running? by Anarchisme

25 tokens

+15 fullbody
+5 color
+5 shading


No rewards.
1 result found.